Crowns and bridges

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Crowns and bridges

Restoring Smiles with Precision at Advait Dental Clinic, Rajkot

Introduction: At Advait Dental Clinic, we specialize in restoring smiles with crowns and bridges, offering our patients in Rajkot a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. These dental prosthetics are designed to restore damaged teeth or replace missing ones, ensuring a complete and healthy smile.

What are Crowns and Bridges?

  • Dental Crowns: A crown is a cap, custom-made to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. It restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance.
  • Dental Bridges: A bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap and a false tooth/teeth in between.

Why are Crowns and Bridges Needed? Crowns and bridges serve several important functions, such as:

  • Restoring the appearance and function of damaged teeth.
  • Filling the gaps left by missing teeth to prevent shifting of remaining teeth.
  • Distributing the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth.
  • Enhancing the overall aesthetic appearance of your smile.

The Procedure: The procedure for getting crowns and bridges at Advait Dental Clinic involves:

  1. Preparation of Teeth: Reshaping the tooth/teeth to make room for the crown or bridge.
  2. Impressions: Taking impressions to create a custom-made crown or bridge.
  3. Temporary Crown/Bridge: Placing a temporary solution until the permanent one is ready.
  4. Final Fitting: Once prepared, the permanent crown or bridge is fitted, adjusted, and cemented into place.

We ensure precision and comfort throughout the procedure.

Benefits of Crowns and Bridges:

  • Restored oral functionality and comfort.
  • Improved appearance of teeth.
  • Long-term solution for damaged or missing teeth.
  • Prevention of further oral health issues.

Recovery and Aftercare: Post-procedure care includes:

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene to prolong the life of crowns and bridges.
  • Regular dental check-ups.
  • Avoiding hard foods initially to prevent damage to new prosthetics.

Why Choose Advait Dental Clinic for Crowns and Bridges? Our clinic in Rajkot is known for its advanced technology and skilled dental professionals who specialize in crafting and fitting crowns and bridges with precision and care.

FAQs: Q: How long do crowns and bridges last? A: With proper care, they can last many years; longevity varies based on oral hygiene and wear and tear.

Q: Are the procedures for crowns and bridges painful? A: Discomfort is minimal, and local anesthesia is used to ensure a pain-free experience.

Conclusion: Crowns and bridges are excellent solutions for restoring damaged or missing teeth, and at Advait Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing the highest quality care. Enhance your smile and oral health with our expertly crafted crowns and bridges. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.